
Bērni, jaunieši un gados vecāki cilvēki


  • Report / Paper / Summary
    Europe’s ageing population is ever-increasing, and our societies are becoming more digitalised. Many public services are now available online, with many more services in the process of being digitalised. But the digitalisation of public services poses a risk of exclusion for older persons. In this new report, FRA explores the impact of digitalisation on the fundamental rights of older persons. The report maps the current legislation, policies and practices fostering digital inclusion. It provides an overview of the laws at the national level that provide for equal access to public services, both online and offline. The findings show how Member States safeguard older person’s rights to access services undergoing digitalisation. It outlines how Member States can support digital skills and ensure older people can fully participate in public life.

  • Handbook / Guide / Manual
    Children are full-fledged holders of rights. They are beneficiaries of all human and fundamental rights and subjects of special regulations, given their specific characteristics. This handbook aims to illustrate how European law and case law accommodate the specific interests and needs of children. It also considers the importance of parents and guardians or other legal representatives and makes reference, where appropriate, to situations in which rights and responsibilities are most prominently vested in children’s carers. It is a point of reference on both European Union (EU) and Council of Europe (CoE) law related to these subjects, explaining how each issue is regulated under EU law, including the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union, as well as under the European Convention on Human Rights, the European Social Charter and other CoE instruments.
  • Leaflet / Flyer
    Child rights come first. Measures to ensure child protection and participation apply to all children in the EU. This brochure guides you to relevant FRA reports and tools that can support you when promoting and protecting the rights of all children in the EU.
  • Report / Paper / Summary
    The right to access justice and all other relevant procedural rights are not just rights in themselves; they also protect against violations of every other right. Respect for children’s rights in the area of justice is therefore essential. International treaties, the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union, European Union (EU) secondary law, and national legislation provide a number of relevant rights.
Over 2.5 million people applied for international protection in the 28 EU Member States in 2015 and 2016. Many of those who were granted some form of protection are young people, who are likely to stay and settle in the EU. The EU Agency for Fundamental Rights interviewed some of them, as well as professionals working with them in 15 locations across six EU Member States: Austria, France, Germany, Greece, Italy and Sweden. This report presents the result of FRA’s fieldwork research, focusing on young people between the
ages of 16 and 24.
French and German versions now available
21 April 2020
Child rights come first. Measures to ensure child protection and participation apply to all children in the EU. This brochure guides you to relevant FRA reports and tools that can support you when promoting and protecting the rights of all children in the EU.
In this edition Michael O'Flaherty reports back from his visit to the asylum seeker facility in Lesbos and calls for the support of all EU Member States to improve in particular the situation of unaccompanied children.
Individuals who are not entitled to stay in the European Union are typically subject to being returned to their home countries. This includes children who are not accompanied by their parents or by another primary caregiver. But returning such children, or finding another durable solution, is a delicate matter, and doing so in full compliance with fundamental rights protections can be difficult. This focus paper therefore aims to help national authorities involved in return-related tasks, including child-protection services, to ensure full rights compliance.
Based on FRA’s second large-scale survey on experiences and perceptions of antisemitism, this report focuses on the perspectives of young Jewish Europeans (aged 16-34) living in twelve EU Member States. It first describes this particular group and takes a look at defining antisemitism and understanding the place of Israel in it.
Fundamental Rights Report 2019: Not all children benefit equally from efforts to guarantee child rights.
Some groups face particular difficulties.
New language versions: ES, HU, IT, NL, PL
15 September 2020
Rokasgrāmatas “Bērni, kas palikuši bez vecāku gādības un atrodas ES dalībvalstī, kura nav viņu
mītnes valsts” mērķis ir stiprināt visu attiecīgo bērnu aizsardzības dalībnieku reakciju. Šo meiteņu
un zēnu aizsardzība ir īpaši svarīga, un tas ir ES dalībvalstu pienākums, kas izriet no starptautiskā
un Eiropas tiesiskā regulējuma. Rokasgrāmatā galvenā uzmanība pievērsta cilvēku tirdzniecības
upuriem un riskam pakļautajiem bērniem, īstenojot 2017. gada paziņojumā paredzēto darbību, ar ko
pastiprina ES rīcību pret cilvēku tirdzniecību, un tajā ņemti vērā konstatētie modeļi, tostarp attiecībā
uz nozieguma dzimumu specifiku.
How much progress can we expect in a decade? Various rights-related instruments had been in place for 10 years in 2018, prompting both sobering and encouraging reflection on this question.
Pamattiesību aizsardzības jomā 2018. gadā bija vērojami gan sasniegumi, gan neveiksmes. FRA 2019. gada ziņojumā par pamattiesībām ir aplūkoti galvenie jaunumi pamattiesību jomā, nosakot gan sasniegumus, gan jomas, kas aizvien rada bažas. Šajā publikācijā sniegti FRA atzinumi par galvenajiem jaunumiem attiecīgajās tematiskajās jomās un šos atzinumus pamatojošs pierādījumu apkopojums.
In the latest edition of his video blog, FRA Director Michael O'Flaherty talks about discrimination on the basis of age in the EU and calls for more respect for Human- and Fundamental Rights of older people.
MDX Dataset
This set of variables maps the various patterns concerning age requirements for children to acquire rights across the EU. This data is correct up to 20 November 2017. No updates to reflect new or amended legislation have been made since this date.
This video blog by FRA Director Michael O'Flaherty is released periodically and will address burning fundamental rights themes.
Almost 25 million children under 18 are at risk of poverty or social exclusion in the EU. Poverty deprives children of educational
opportunities, childcare, access to health care, adequate food and housing, family support and even protection from violence.
This report outlines data and survey findings that highlight the magnitude of child poverty in the EU, but also presents tools
available to counter this phenomenon and keep track of progress made.
In November 2017, the European Commission requested FRA’s support in evaluating the impact on fundamental rights of the European Border Surveillance System (Eurosur) Regulation. Further to this request, FRA reviewed the work of the European Border and Coast Guard Agency (Frontex) and analysed cooperation agreements concluded by EU Member States with third countries which are relevant for the exchange of information for the purposes of Eurosur. This report presents the main findings of such review.
Across the European Union, Member States are faced with the challenge of integrating Europe’s most deprived
and disenfranchised minority groups. As a follow up to the EU-MIDIS II findings on Roma, this report presents
FRA’s findings relating to the issues of education and employment. Encouraging Roma participation in education
and employment equips communities with higher incomes, better life opportunities and greater social inclusion.
In the latest edition of his video blog, FRA Director Michael O'Flaherty focuses on the importance of shifting perceptions towards a rights-based approach to ageing.
Finnish version now available
27 January 2020
European societies are not getting any younger! It is a simple truth we must face both about ourselves and Europe as a whole. In two generations, by 2080, those aged 65 or above will account for almost 30% of the European Union’s population.
The year 2017 brought both progress and setbacks in terms of rights protection. The European Pillar of Social Rights marked an important move towards a more ‘social Europe’. But, as experiences with the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights underscore, agreement on a text is merely a first step. Even in its eighth year as the EU's binding bill of rights, the Charter's potential was not fully exploited, highlighting the need to more actively promote its use.
Pilsoniskās sabiedrības organizācijām Eiropas Savienībā ir būtiska nozīme pamattiesību veicināšanā, taču tām ir arvien grūtāk to darīt dažādu juridisku un praktisku ierobežojumu dēļ.
Lai arī problēmas ir visās ES dalībvalstīs, to būtība un apjoms atšķiras. Kopumā trūkst datu un pētījumu par šo tēmu, tostarp salīdzinošu pētījumu.
Tāpēc FRA ziņojumā tiek aprakstītas dažādu veidu problēmas, ar ko saskaras pilsoniskās sabiedrības organizācijas, kuru darbs ir saistīts ar cilvēktiesību aizsardzību ES. Tajā ir izcelta arī daudzsološa prakse, kas var palīdzēt neitralizēt šīs satraucošās tendences.
The methods used to determine the age of
an applicant may include “invasive” medical tests which interfere with the rights of the child, including their right to dignity,
integrity and privacy. It is often a challenge to find the right balance between protecting children from harm and promoting
their participation in these procedures. This report provides important insights and identifies the implications of collecting
children’s biometric data and conducting age assessments.