Article d'actualité

Experts discuss accountability of the European Border and Coast Guard Agency

FRA presented the Agency’s perspective during an expert roundtable on the European Border and Coast Guard Agency’s (Frontex) legal and non-judicial accountability in light of recent case law of the EU Court of Justice (CJEU).

The roundtable sought to unpack the legal challenges stemming from the Court’s recent ruling in WS and Others vs. Frontex and other relevant CJEU case law. It also sought to evaluate the accountability gaps arising from the evolving structure of EU shared border management, and explore potential avenues, both judicial and non-judicial, to strengthen Frontex's fundamental rights accountability.

FRA drew on the Agency’s contribution to the first evaluation of Frontex from the fundamental rights perspective. The Maastricht University organised the event, in collaboration with the Free University Brussels and the Meijers Committee (The Netherlands).

It took place on 26 January in Brussels. It attracted some 90 participants, including representatives from academia, migration NGOs, think-tanks, law firms/bars as well as EU entities and international organisations.