Aktuelle Nachricht

Rule of law dialogue in Croatia

The European Commission Representation in Croatia, in cooperation with the European Commission and FRA, held a dialogue on the rule of law in Croatia.

The rule of law dialogues aim at encouraging discussions on the rule of law topics in EU Member States.

The event identified areas of action and ways forward to address rule of law challenges in the Croatian justice system strategically. These included improving the efficiency and transparency of the justice system, as well as the quality and openness of the national legislative process, protecting journalists against SLAPPs, increasing resources, improving the communication of the judiciary with the public.

It drew on the European Commission’s 2022 Rule of Law Report Country Chapter on the rule of law situation in Croatia.

It brought together around 30 key stakeholders from the different Croatian courts, state attorneys, relevant ministries, parliament, civil society, ombudsperson's office, academia and legal professional organisations, the European Commission and FRA.

The event took place in Zagreb on 18 January.