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188 Press Releases found

Press Release
Der Verwaltungsrat der FRA hat am 27. September Maija Sakslin zur neuen Vorsitzenden und Herrn Manfred Nowak zum stellvertretenden Vorsitzenden gewählt.
Press Release
Das Verhältnis zwischen Sicherheitsfragen und Datenschutz, die notwendige Einigung auf neue gemeinsame Asylvorschriften sowie die Umsetzung des Übereinkommens über die Rechte von Menschen mit Behinderungen sind nur einige der vielen Grundrechtsfragen, die gegenwärtig auf EU-Ebene erörtert werden. Die Ergebnisse der laufenden Diskussionen werden für die Förderung der Grundrechte entscheidend sein - dies geht aus dem Jahresbericht 2011 der Agentur der Europäischen Union für Grundrechte (FRA) hervor, der heute im Europäischen Parlament vorgestellt wurde.
Press Release
Discrimination against people with intellectual disabilities and people with mental health problems persists despite the ratification of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD) by the EU and 21 Member States. Two new FRA reports capture the experiences of exclusion and discrimination of people with intellectual disabilities or mental health problems.
Press Release
Das zweitägige Seminar zum Thema „Erinnern für die Zukunft" (Remembering for the future) fand vom 26.-27. April 2012 in Kopenhagen statt und befasste sich mit der Frage, wie BürgerInnen einbezogen und vielversprechende Praktiken im Bereich der Holocaust- und Menschenrechtsbildung verbreitet werden können.
Press Release
On 10 November 2011 FRA spoke at the Hearing on Fundamental Rights organised by the European Parliament's Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs (LIBE). 
Press Release
The event is set in the context of the FRA's mandate to develop methods and standards that will improve the comparability, objectivity and reliability of data collected at the European level. The Symposium will be comprised of presentations of case studies, panel discussions and working groups focusing on specific themes. It will take place on 12-13 May at the FRA's premises in Vienna.
Press Release
On World AIDS Day 2010, FRA Director Morten Kjaerum emphasises the importance of taking a rights-based approach to responding to HIV and AIDS. 
Press Release
Joint statement ahead of International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women by the FRA and the European Institute for Gender Equality (EIGE).
Press Release
The FRA participates in the Fourth Equality Summit held in Brussels on 15 and 16 November 2010. This Summit is an annual, high-level event focusing on equality. This year the event will concentrate on combating discrimination and promoting equality in employment.
Press Release
The European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA) is publishing results from a survey of 3,000 Muslim and non-Muslim young people about their experiences of and attitudes towards discrimination, social marginalisation and violence. The results indicate that in the three Member States where the survey took place (France, Spain and the United Kingdom) most young people - regardless of their religious background - do not support violence. On the other hand, those young people who have been victims of discrimination or violence are at greater risk of engaging in violence themselves.