
Listina základních práv EU

Článek 14 - Právo na vzdělání

Článek 14 - Právo na vzdělání

  1. Každý má právo na vzdělání a přístup k odbornému a dalšímu vzdělávání.
  2. Toto právo zahrnuje možnost bezplatné povinné školní docházky.
  3. Svoboda zakládat vzdělávací zařízení při náležitém respektování demokratických zásad a právo rodičů zajišťovat vzdělání a výchovu svých dětí ve shodě s jejich náboženským, filozofickým a pedagogickým přesvědčením musí být respektovány v souladu s vnitrostátními zákony, které upravují jejich výkon.
  • Text:
    1. Tento článek je založen na společných ústavních tradicích členských států a na článku 2 dodatkového protokolu k EÚLP, který zní:

      „Nikomu nesmí být odepřeno právo na vzdělání. Při výkonu jakýchkoli funkcí v oblasti výchovy a výuky, které stát vykonává, bude respektovat právo rodičů zajišťovat tuto výchovu a vzdělání ve shodě s jejich vlastním náboženským a filozofickým přesvědčením“.
      Bylo považováno za účelné rozšířit tento článek na přístup k odbornému a dalšímu vzdělání (viz bod 15 Charty základních sociálních práv pracovníků Společenství a článek 10 Sociální charty) a přidat zásadu bezplatné povinné školní docházky. Ze znění posledně jmenované zásady pouze vyplývá, že pokud jde o povinnou školní docházku, má každé dítě možnost navštěvovat zařízení, které ji nabízí bezplatně. Nepožaduje, aby všechna zařízení poskytující vzdělání nebo odborné a další vzdělání, zejména soukromá, byla bezplatná. Rovněž tak nevylučuje některé zvláštní formy placeného vzdělání, přijmou-li členské státy opatření na udělení finanční náhrady. V rozsahu, v jakém se Listina vztahuje na Unii, to znamená, že ve své politice vzdělávání musí Unie respektovat bezplatnou povinnou školní docházku, avšak samozřejmě to nevytváří nové pravomoci. Právo rodičů musí být vykládáno ve spojení s článkem 24.

    2. Svoboda zakládat veřejná nebo soukromá vzdělávací zařízení je zaručena jako jedno z hledisek svobody podnikání, je však omezena dodržováním demokratických zásad a je vykonávána způsoby stanovenými vnitrostátními právními předpisy.
    Úřední věstník Evropské unie C 303/17 - 14.12.2007
    Preamble - Explanations relating to the Charter of Fundamental Rights:
    Tato vysvětlení byla původně vyhotovena pod vedením prezídia Konventu, který vypracoval Listinu základních práv Evropské unie. Byla aktualizována pod vedením prezídia Evropského konventu s ohledem na změny návrhu znění Listiny provedené Konventem (zejména článků 51 a 52) a na vývoj práva Unie. Ačkoliv sama nemají právní závaznost, jsou cenným výkladovým nástrojem pro vyjasnění ustanovení Listiny.

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59 results found

  • Constitution of Malta

    Article 11(1) Capable and deserving students, even if without financial resources, are entitled to attain the highest grades of education.(2) The State shall give effect to this principle by means of scholarships, of contributions to the families of students and other provisions on the basis of competitive examinations.Article 12(1) The State shall protect work.(2) It shall provide for the professional or vocational training and advancement of workers.Article 17 (...) (3) Disabled persons and persons incapable of work are entitled to education and vocational training.

  • Constitution du Grand Duche de Luxembourg

    Article 23. L’Etat veille à l’organisation de l’instruction primaire, qui sera obligatoire et gratuite et dont l’accès doit être garanti à toute personne habitant le Grand-Duché. L’assistance médicale et sociale sera réglée par la loi.Il crée des établissements d’instruction moyenne gratuite et les cours d’enseignement supérieur nécessaires.La loi détermine les moyens de subvenir à l’instruction publique ainsi que les conditions de surveillance par le Gouvernement et les communes; elle règle pour le surplus tout ce qui est relatif à l’enseignement et prévoit, selon des critères qu’elle détermine, un système d’aides financières en faveur des élèves et étudiants.Chacun est libre de faire ses études dans le Grand-Duché ou à l’étranger et de fréquenter les universités de son choix, sauf les dispositions de la loi sur les conditions d’admission aux emplois et à l’exercice de certaines professions.

  • Constitution of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg

    Article 23. The State sees to the organization of primary education, which will be obligatory and free and to which access must be guaranteed to every person inhabiting the Grand Duchy. Medical and social assistance is regulated by the law. It creates establishments of free secondary instruction and the necessary courses of higher education.
    The law determines the means of supporting public instruction as well as the conditions of supervision by the Government and the communes; it regulates
    additionally all [matters] concerning education and provides, according to the criteria that it determines, a system of financial aid in favor of pupils and students. Anyone is free to study in the Grand Duchy or abroad and to attend the universities of his choice, subject to the provisions of the law on the conditions of admission to employment [in], and to the exercise of[,] certain professions.

  • Constitution of the Republic of Lithuania

    Article 26. Parents and guardians shall, without restrictions, take care of the religious and moral education of their children and wards according to their own convictions.
    Article 40. State and municipal establishments of teaching and education shall be secular. At the request of parents, they shall provide religious instruction. Non-state establishments of teaching and education may be founded according to the procedure established by law. Schools of higher education shall be granted autonomy. The State shall supervise the activities of establishments of teaching and education.
    Article 41. Education shall be compulsory for persons under the age of 16. Education at state and municipal schools of general education, vocational schools, and schools of further education shall be free of charge. Higher education shall be accessible to everyone according to individual abilities. Citizens who are good at their studies shall be guaranteed education at state schools of higher education free of charge.
    Article 42. Culture, science and research, and teaching shall be free. The State shall support culture and science, and shall take care of the protection of Lithuanian historical, artistic, and other cultural monuments, as well as other culturally valuable objects. The law shall protect and defend the spiritual and material interests of an author that are related to scientific, technical, cultural, and artistic work.

  • Lietuvos Respublikos Konstitucija

    26 straipsnis. Tėvai ir globėjai nevaržomi rūpinasi vaikų ir globotinių religiniu ir doroviniu auklėjimu pagal savo įsitikinimus.
    40 straipsnis. Valstybinės ir savivaldybių mokymo ir auklėjimo įstaigos yra pasaulietinės. Jose tėvų pageidavimu mokoma tikybos. Įstatymo nustatyta tvarka gali būti steigiamos nevalstybinės mokymo bei auklėjimo įstaigos. Aukštosioms mokykloms suteikiama autonomija. Valstybė prižiūri mokymo ir auklėjimo įstaigų veiklą.
    41 straipsnis. Asmenims iki 16 metų mokslas privalomas. Mokymas valstybinėse ir savivaldybių bendrojo lavinimo, profesinėse bei aukštesniosiose mokyklose yra nemokamas. Aukštasis mokslas prieinamas visiems pagal kiekvieno žmogaus sugebėjimus. Gerai besimokantiems piliečiams valstybinėse aukštosiose mokyklose laiduojamas nemokamas mokslas.
    42 straipsnis. Kultūra, mokslas ir tyrinėjimai bei dėstymas yra laisvi. Valstybė remia kultūrą ir mokslą, rūpinasi Lietuvos istorijos, meno ir kitų kultūros paminklų bei vertybių apsauga. Dvasinius ir materialinius autoriaus interesus, susijusius su mokslo, technikos, kultūros ir meno kūryba, saugo ir gina įstatymas.

  • Constitution of the Republic of Latvia

    112. Everyone has the right to education. The State shall ensure that everyone may acquire primary and secondary education without charge. Primary education shall be compulsory.

  • Education Law

      Section 2 The purpose of this Law is to ensure that every resident of Latvia has the opportunity to develop his or her mental and physical potential, in order to become an independent and a fully developed individual, a member of the democratic State and society of Latvia. Corresponding to the age and needs of an educatee, he or she shall be ensured an opportunity to: 1) acquire knowledge and skills in the field of humanities, social, natural and technical sciences; 2) acquire knowledge, skills and experience in relationships, in order to participate in the life of the State and society; and 3) for moral, aesthetic, intellectual and physical development, by promoting the development of a knowledgeable, skilful and socialised individual.

  • Izglītības likums

    2.pants.Likuma mērķis Šā likuma mērķis ir nodrošināt katram Latvijas iedzīvotājam iespēju attīstīt savu garīgo un fizisko potenciālu, lai veidotos par patstāvīgu un attīstītu personību, demokrātiskas Latvijas valsts un sabiedrības locekli. Atbilstoši izglītojamā vecumam un vajadzībām tiek nodrošināta iespēja: 1) iegūt zināšanas un prasmes humanitāro, sociālo, dabas un tehnisko zinību jomā; 2) iegūt zināšanas, prasmes un attieksmju pieredzi, lai piedalītos sabiedrības un valsts dzīvē; 3) tikumiskai, estētiskai, intelektuālai un fiziskai attīstībai, sekmējot zinīgas, prasmīgas un audzinātas personības veidošanos.

  • Latvijas Republikas Satversme

    112. Ikvienam ir tiesības uz izglītību. Valsts nodrošina iespēju bez maksas iegūt pamatizglītību un vidējo izglītību. Pamatizglītība ir obligāta.

  • Constitution of the Italian Republic

    Art. 30. It is the duty and right of parents to support, raise and educate their children, even if born out of wedlock. Art. 33. The Republic guarantees the freedom of the arts and sciences, which may be freely taught. The Republic lays down general rules for education and establishes state schools of all branches and grades. Entities and private persons have the right to establish schools and institutions of education, at no cost to the State. The law, when setting out the rights and obligations for the non-state
    schools which request parity, shall ensure that these schools enjoy full liberty and offer their pupils an education and qualifications of the same standards as those afforded to pupils in state schools. State examinations are prescribed for admission to and graduation from the various branches and grades of schools and for qualification to exercise a profession. Art. 34. Schools are open to everyone. Primary education, given for at least eight years, is compulsory and free of tuition. Capable and deserving pupils, including those lacking financial resources, have the right to attain the highest levels of education. The Republic renders this right effective through scholarships, allowances
    to families and other benefits, which shall be assigned through competitive examinations.

  • Costituzione della Repubblica Italiana

    Art. 30. E' dovere e diritto dei genitori, mantenere, istruire ed educare i figli, anche se nati fuori del matrimonio. Art. 33. L'arte e la scienza sono libere e libero ne è l'insegnamento. La Repubblica detta le norme generali sull’istruzione ed istituisce scuole statali per tutti gli ordini e gradi.Enti e privati hanno il diritto di istituire scuole ed istituti di educazione, senza oneri per lo Stato.La legge, nel fissare i diritti e gli obblighi delle scuole non statali che chiedono la parità, deve assicurare ad esse piena libertà e ai loro alunni un trattamento scolastico equipollente a quello degli alunni di scuole statali.E' prescritto un esame di Stato per la ammissione ai vari ordini e gradi di scuole o per la conclusione di essi e per l'abilitazione all'esercizio professionale. Art. 34. La scuola è aperta a tutti.L'istruzione inferiore, impartita per almeno otto anni, è obbligatoria e gratuita.I capaci e meritevoli, anche se privi di mezzi, hanno diritto di raggiungere i gradi più alti degli studi.La Repubblica rende effettivo questo diritto con borse di studio, assegni alle famiglie ed altre provvidenze, che devono essere attribuite per concorso.

  • Constitution of Ireland

    Article 42.1. The State acknowledges that the primary and natural educator of the child is the Family and guarantees to respect theinalienable right and duty of parents to provide, according to their means, for the religious and moral, intellectual, physical and social education of their children. Article 42.2. Parents shall be free to provide this education in their homes or in private schools or in schools recognized or established by the State. Article 42.3.1. The State shall not oblige parents in violation of their conscience and lawful preference to send their children to schools established by the State, or to any particular type of school designated by the State. Article 42.3.2. The State shall, however, as guardian of the common good, require in view of actual conditions that the children receive a certain minimum education. moral. intellectual and social. Article 42.4. The State shall provide for free primary education and shall endeavor to supplement and give reasonable aid to private and corporate educational initiative, and, when the public good requires it, provide other educational facilities or institutions with due regard, however, for the rights of parents, especially in the matter of religious and moral formation .

  • Education (Welfare) Act 2000

      An act to provide for the entitlement of every child in the state to a certain minimum education, and, for that purpose, to provide for the registration of children receiving education in places other than recognised schools, the compulsory attendance of certain children at recognised schools, the establishment of a body, to be known as the National educational welfare board or, in the irish language, an bord na´ isiu´ nta leasa oideachais, the coordination of its activities and those of certain other persons in so far as they relate to matters connected with school attendance, the identification of the causes of non-attendance on the part of certain students and the adoption of measures for its prevention, to repeal the School Attendance Acts, 1926 to 1967, to permit the supply of data relating to a person’s educational history to certain persons, to provide for the amendment of the Protection of Young Persons (Employment) Act, 1996, and to provide for matters connected therewith.

  • Education Act, 1998

      An act to make provision in the interests of the common good for the education of every person in the state, including any person with a disability or who has other special educational needs, and to provide generally for primary, post-primary, adult and continuing education and vocational education and training; to ensure that the education system is accountable to students, their parents and the state for the education provided, respects the diversity of values, beliefs, languages and traditions in irish society and is conducted in a spirit of partnership between schools, patrons, students, parents, teachers and other school staff, the community served by the school and the state; to provide for the recognition and funding of schools and their management through boards of management; to provide for an inspectorate of schools; to provide for the role and responsibilities of principals and teachers; to establish the national council for curriculum and assessment and to make provision for it, and to provide for related Matters.

  • Magyarország Alaptörvénye

    VII. cikk (SZABADSÁG ÉS FELELŐSSÉG) (1) Mindenkinek joga van a gondolat, a lelkiismeret és a vallás szabadságához. Ez a jog magában foglalja a vallás vagy más meggyőződés szabad megválasztását vagy megváltoztatását és azt a szabadságot, hogy vallását vagy más meggyőződését mindenki vallásos cselekmények, szertartások végzése útján vagy egyéb módon, akár egyénileg, akár másokkal együttesen, nyilvánosan vagy a magánéletben kinyilvánítsa vagy kinyilvánítását mellőzze, gyakorolja vagy tanítsa. [...]

    X. cikk (SZABADSÁG ÉS FELELŐSSÉG) (1) Magyarország biztosítja a tudományos kutatás és művészeti alkotás szabadságát, továbbá – a lehető legmagasabb szintű tudás megszerzése érdekében – a tanulás, valamint törvényben meghatározott keretek között a tanítás szabadságát. [...]

    XI. cikk (SZABADSÁG ÉS FELELŐSSÉG) (1) Minden magyar állampolgárnak joga van a művelődéshez.
    (2) Magyarország ezt a jogot a közművelődés kiterjesztésével és általánossá tételével, az ingyenes és kötelező alapfokú, az ingyenes és mindenki számára hozzáférhető középfokú, valamint a képességei alapján mindenki számára hozzáférhető felsőfokú oktatással, továbbá az oktatásban részesülők törvényben meghatározottak szerinti anyagi támogatásával biztosítja.
    (3) Törvény a felsőfokú oktatásban való részesülés anyagi támogatását meghatározott időtartamú olyan foglalkoztatásban való részvételhez, illetve vállalkozási tevékenység gyakorlásához kötheti, amelyet a magyar jog szabályoz.

    XVI. cikk (SZABADSÁG ÉS FELELŐSSÉG) [...] (2) A szülőknek joguk van megválasztani a gyermeküknek adandó nevelést.

  • The Fundamental Law of Hungary

     Article VII (Freedom and Responsibility) (1) Everyone shall have the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion. This right shall include the freedom to choose or change one’s religion or other belief, and the freedom of everyone to manifest, abstain from manifesting, practise or teach his or her religion or other belief through religious acts, rites or otherwise, either individually or jointly with others, either in public or in private life. [...]

    Article X (Freedom and Responsibility) (1) Hungary shall ensure the freedom of scientific research and artistic creation, the freedom of learning for the acquisition of the highest possible level of knowledge and, within the framework laid down in an Act, the freedom of teaching. [...]

    Article XI (Freedom and Responsibility) (1) Every Hungarian citizen shall have the right to education.
    (2) Hungary shall ensure this right by extending and generalising public education, by providing free and compulsory primary education, free and generally accessible secondary education, and higher education accessible to everyone according to his or her abilities, and by providing financial support as provided for by an Act to those receiving education.
    (3) An Act may provide that financial support of higher education studies shall be subject to
    participation for a specific period in employment or to performing entrepreneurial activities
    for a specific period, regulated by Hungarian law.

    Article XVI (Freedom and Responsibility) [...] (2) Parents shall have the right to choose the upbringing to be given to their children. [...]

  • Constitution of the Hellenic Republic

    Article 16 (1). Art and science, research and teaching shall be free and their development and promotion shall be an obligation of the State. Academic freedom and freedom of teaching shall not exempt anyone from his duty of allegiance to the Constitution. (2). Education constitutes a basic mission for the State and shall aim at the moral, intellectual, professional and physical training of Greeks, the development of national and religious consciousness and at their formation as free and responsible citizens. (3). The number of years of compulsory education shall be no less than nine. (4). All Greeks are entitled to free education on all levels at State educational institutions. The State shall provide financial assistance to those who distinguish themselves, as well as to students in need of assistance or special protection, in accordance with their abilities. (5). Education at university level shall be provided exclusively by institutions which are fully self-governed public law legal persons. These institutions shall operate under the supervision of the State and are entitled to financial assistance from it; they shall operate on the basis of statutorily enacted by-laws. Merging or splitting of university level institutions may take place notwithstanding any contrary provisions, as a law shall provide. A special law shall define all matters pertaining to student associations and the participation of students therein. (6). Professors of university level institutions shall be public functionaries. The remaining teaching personnel likewise perform a public function, under the conditions specified by law. The statutes of respective institutions shall define matters relating to the status of all the above. Professors of university level institutions shall not be dismissed prior to the lawful termination of their term of service, except in the cases of the substantive conditions provided by article 88 paragraph 4 and following a decision by a council constituted in its majority of highest judicial functionaries, as specified by law. The retirement age of professors of university level institutions shall be determined by law; until such law is issued, professors on active service shall retire ipso jure at the end of the academic year at which they have reached the age of sixty-seven. (7). Professional and any other form of special education shall be provided by the State, through schools of a higher level and for a time period not exceeding three years, as specifically provided by law which also defines the professional rights of the graduates of such schools. (8). The conditions and terms for granting a license for the establishment and operation of schools not owned by the State, the supervisionof such and the professional status of teaching personnel therein shall be specified by law. The establishment of university level institutions by private persons is prohibited. [...]

  • Το Σύνταγμα της Ελλάδας

    Άρθρo 16 (1). H τέχνη και η επιστήμη, η έρευνα και η διδασκαλία είναι ελεύθερες· η ανάπτυξη και η πρoαγωγή τoυς απoτελεί υπoχρέωση τoυ Kράτoυς. H ακαδημαϊκή ελευθερία και η ελευθερία της διδασκαλίας δεν απαλλάσσoυν από τo καθήκoν της υπακoής στo Σύνταγμα. (2). H παιδεία απoτελεί βασική απoστoλή τoυ Kράτoυς και έχει σκoπό την ηθική, πνευματική, επαγγελματική και φυσική αγωγή των Eλλήνων, την ανάπτυξη της εθνικής και θρησκευτικής συνείδησης και τη διάπλασή τoυς σε ελεύθερoυς και υπεύθυνoυς πoλίτες.
    (3). Tα έτη υπoχρεωτικής φoίτησης δεν μπoρεί να είναι λιγότερα από εννέα. (4). Όλoι oι Έλληνες έχoυν δικαίωμα δωρεάν παιδείας, σε όλες τις βαθμίδες της, στα κρατικά εκπαιδευτήρια. To Kράτoς ενισχύει τoυς σπoυδαστές πoυ διακρίνoνται, καθώς και αυτoύς πoυ έχoυν ανάγκη από βoήθεια ή ειδική πρoστασία, ανάλoγα με τις ικανότητές τoυς. (5). H ανώτατη εκπαίδευση παρέχεται απoκλειστικά από ιδρύματα πoυ απoτελoύν νoμικά πρόσωπα δημoσίoυ δικαίoυ με πλήρη αυτoδιoίκηση. Tα ιδρύματα αυτά τελoύν υπό την επoπτεία τoυ Kράτoυς, έχoυν δικαίωμα να ενισχύoνται oικoνoμικά από αυτό και λειτoυργoύν σύμφωνα με τoυς νόμoυς πoυ αφoρoύν τoυς oργανισμoύς τoυς. Συγχώνευση ή κατάτμηση ανώτατων εκπαιδευτικών ιδρυμάτων μπoρεί να γίνει και κατά παρέκκλιση από κάθε αντίθετη διάταξη, όπως νόμoς oρίζει. Eιδικός νόμoς oρίζει όσα αφoρoύν τoυς φoιτητικoύς συλλόγoυς και τη συμμετoχή των σπoυδαστών σ’ αυτoύς. (6). Oι καθηγητές των ανώτατων εκπαιδευτικών ιδρυμάτων είναι δημόσιoι λειτoυργoί. To υπόλoιπo διδακτικό πρoσωπικό τoυς επιτελεί επίσης δημόσιo λειτoύργημα, με τις πρoϋπoθέσεις πoυ νόμoς oρίζει. Tα σχετικά με την κατάσταση όλων αυτών των πρoσώπων καθoρίζoνται από τoυς oργανισμoύς των oικείων ιδρυμάτων. Oι καθηγητές των ανώτατων εκπαιδευτικών ιδρυμάτων δεν μπoρoύν να παυθoύν πρoτoύ λήξει σύμφωνα με τo νόμo o χρόνoς υπηρεσίας τoυς παρά μόνo με τις oυσιαστικές πρoϋπoθέσεις πoυ πρoβλέπoνται στo άρθρo 88 παράγραφoς 4 και ύστερα από απόφαση συμβoυλίoυ πoυ απoτελείται κατά πλειoψηφία από ανώτατoυς δικαστικoύς λειτoυργoύς, όπως νόμoς oρίζει. Nόμoς oρίζει τo όριo της ηλικίας των καθηγητών των ανώτατων εκπαιδευτικών ιδρυμάτων· εωσότoυ εκδoθεί o νόμoς αυτός oι καθηγητές πoυ υπηρετoύν απoχωρoύν αυτoδικαίως μόλις λήξει τo ακαδημαϊκό έτoς μέσα στo oπoίo συμπληρώνoυν τo εξηκoστό έβδoμo έτoς της ηλικίας τoυς. (7). H επαγγελματική και κάθε άλλη ειδική εκπαίδευση παρέχεται από τo Kράτoς και με σχoλές ανώτερης βαθμίδας για χρoνικό διάστημα όχι μεγαλύτερo από τρία χρόνια, όπως πρoβλέπεται ειδικότερα από τo νόμo, πoυ oρίζει και τα επαγγελματικά δικαιώματα όσων απoφoιτoύν από τις σχoλές αυτές. (8). Nόμoς oρίζει τις πρoϋποθέσεις και τoυς όρoυς χoρήγησης άδειας για την ίδρυση και λειτoυργία εκπαιδευτηρίων πoυ δεν ανήκoυν στo Kράτoς, τα σχετικά με την επoπτεία πoυ ασκείται πάνω σ’ αυτά, καθώς και την υπηρεσιακή κατάσταση τoυ διδακτικoύ πρoσωπικoύ τoυς. H σύσταση ανώτατων σχoλών από ιδιώτες απαγoρεύεται. [...]

  • Basic Law for the Federal Republic of Germany

    Article 6 (...) (2) The care and upbringing of children is the natural right of parents and a duty primarily incumbent upon them. The state shall watch over them in the performance of this duty. (...) Article 7 (1) The entire school system shall be under the supervision of the state. (2) Parents and guardians shall have the right to decide whether children shall receive religious instruction. (3) Religious instruction shall form part of the regular curriculum in state schools, with the exception of non-denominational schools. Without prejudice to the state’s right of supervision, religious instruction shall be given in accordance with the tenets of the religious community concerned. Teachers may not be obliged against their will to give religious instruction. (4) The right to establish private schools shall be guaranteed. Private schools that serve as alternatives to state schools shall require the approval of the state and shall be subject to the laws of the Länder. Such approval shall be given when private schools are not inferior to the state schools in terms of their educational aims, their facilities, or the professional training of their teaching staff, and when segregation of pupils according to the means of their parents will not be encouraged thereby. Approval shall be withheld if the economic and legal position of the teaching staff is not adequately assured. (5) A private elementary school shall be approved only if the educational authority finds that it serves a special pedagogical interest or if, on the application of parents or guardians, it is to be established as a denominational or interdenominational school or as a school based on a particular philosophy and no state elementary school of that type exists in the municipality. (6) Preparatory schools shall remain abolished.

  • Grundgesetz für die Bundesrepublik Deutschland

    Artikel 6 (...) (2) Pflege und Erziehung der Kinder sind das natürliche Recht der Eltern und die zuvörderst ihnen obliegende Pflicht. Über ihre Betätigung wacht die staatliche Gemeinschaft. (...) Artikel 7 (1) Das gesamte Schulwesen steht unter der Aufsicht des Staates. (2) Die Erziehungsberechtigten haben das Recht, über die Teilnahme des Kindes am Religionsunterricht zu bestimmen. (3) Der Religionsunterricht ist in den öffentlichen Schulen mit Ausnahme der bekenntnisfreien Schulen ordentliches Lehrfach. Unbeschadet des staatlichen Aufsichtsrechtes wird der Religionsunterricht in Übereinstimmung mit den Grundsätzen der Religionsgemeinschaften erteilt. Kein Lehrer darf gegen seinen Willen verpflichtet werden, Religionsunterricht zu erteilen. (4) Das Recht zur Errichtung von privaten Schulen wird gewährleistet. Private Schulen als Ersatz für öffentliche Schulen bedürfen der Genehmigung des Staates und unterstehen den Landesgesetzen. Die Genehmigung ist zu erteilen, wenn die privaten Schulen in ihren Lehrzielen und Einrichtungen sowie in der wissenschaftlichen Ausbildung ihrer Lehrkräfte nicht hinter den öffentlichen Schulen zurückstehen und eine Sonderung der Schüler nach den Besitzverhältnissen der Eltern nicht gefördert wird. Die Genehmigung ist zu versagen, wenn die wirtschaftliche und rechtliche Stellung der Lehrkräfte nicht genügend gesichert ist. (5) Eine private Volksschule ist nur zuzulassen, wenn die Unterrichtsverwaltung ein besonderes pädagogisches Interesse anerkennt oder, auf Antrag von Erziehungsberechtigten, wenn sie als Gemeinschaftsschule, als Bekenntnis- oder Weltanschauungsschule errichtet werden soll und eine öffentliche Volksschule dieser Art in der Gemeinde nicht besteht. (6) Vorschulen bleiben aufgehoben.

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